Sunday, June 5, 2011

Painting 1 work

For this painting we had to use different colors than were in the actual image. We had a lot of freedom to pick and choose, with the really only limitation being avoiding dark greys, blacks and browns. This painting is Acrylic on Illustration board.

Here is my final painting for Painting 1 over the summer. Our assignment was to incorporate multiple images into one painting and create some sort of connection between them. I used cassette tapes, a grammaphone, two arrows, an eyeball, a diagram of a camera lens, and text from a mewithoutYou song, all incorporated into Turner's famous "slave ship" painting. Acrylic paints on canvas.


Tim said...

Nicely done! I like your first painting with its vivid color full of verve :)

monica.a.marks said...

yayayyyy! they are really good! you should make me one to hang in my apartment next year!