Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Photoshop tutorial project

Dinosaur attacking Tokyo!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Magazine Spread Project

First Spread

Second Spread

Final Spread

Annual Report Project

First spread

Second spread

Final spread

Monday, August 15, 2011

Good morning, Colossus drawings

My friend Matt Zellmer asked me if I could do some illustrations for his latest poetry book. So I did. And here they are.

This is the cover.

An illustration for Matt's poem, "Glass Kites."

An illustration for a haiku.

An illustration for a poem Matt wrote about the life of Doc Holiday. 

Matt also asked me if I could do a small logo for his "company" which was named "Wine and Plague Press." So I did.

It was great working with Matt and doing something cool for him. I hope you liked the illustrations! Can't wait to see the finished book!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


A sketch I did with sharpies. Dinosaur versus robot!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Painting 1 work

For this painting we had to use different colors than were in the actual image. We had a lot of freedom to pick and choose, with the really only limitation being avoiding dark greys, blacks and browns. This painting is Acrylic on Illustration board.

Here is my final painting for Painting 1 over the summer. Our assignment was to incorporate multiple images into one painting and create some sort of connection between them. I used cassette tapes, a grammaphone, two arrows, an eyeball, a diagram of a camera lens, and text from a mewithoutYou song, all incorporated into Turner's famous "slave ship" painting. Acrylic paints on canvas.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Dark Tower remake


Friday, April 29, 2011

Finished Book Cover

Retro book cover for the Dark Tower! I really want to make one for each book in the series now.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Retro Book Cover idea - The Dark Tower

Reworking a book cover in Typography. I liked the idea of doing a retro cover. This image is just from me messing around in illustrator, but I like where it's going.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lyric Design FINAL

Final image for the project! I changed a few things around, mostly arranging the text a little nicer, evening out spaces and centering lines a little more. Also changed the image of the kid in the water to make it a little more detailed.
Zoom in on the top half. Main differences here are that I enlarged the big 'oh doubters' to take up almost all the page, as well as made the italics lines uniformly sized. I like how it turned out.
Bottom half. This was the hard part. Getting all that black to look the same is a chore. It's still not perfect, but all my sharpies are dead, sooo yeah. When I try to go over areas I inked in previously, I get a glossy black texture that I can never cover up. Not sure on the science behind sharpies, but it sure is a pain! 

Also, here's a link to the song this project is from!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Printmaking Project - Etchings

Made this etching off of a picture I took in China a few years ago. Its not my best print, but I like how it turned out.

Here's a self portrait. Again, not my best work, but I still like it. Forgot that when you print, the final image is a reflection of the first, hence the backwards text!

New Typography Project - Lyric Design

With this project we chose any lyric from any song and put it in an interesting design. I tried to convey some of the feel of the song in the layout, typeface, and image, and I like the outcome. This is the finished rough composition, and the finished final should be done by this weekend. Hopefully I can get all that black to look black.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Typography Animation

A short animation for my typography class.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Linocut Project

I carved this image onto a linolium plate with carving knives. Once the image is carved, I roll ink over the entire plate and then send it through the press.

Here's the image printed on a sheet of paper. The classic tale of the lumberjack uppercutting a bear with a knife (the bear has a knife).

Monday, February 14, 2011

Last Monotype

This was actually the first print I did. I thought it turned out fairly chaotic, which is what I wanted! It's a little hard to tell at first, but the image is of a boat on rough seas.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More Monoprints

Panda! Kept it simple with a lot of negative space. I think it turned out fairly well.

Portrait I did freehand off of a picture on my phone. A little squished, but I like the strokes in his beard.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Monotype Project

Here's the original image of my brother Connor. I put the print out of this image under a plexi-glass plate, and than painted over it to create the image below.

Once the image is painted onto the plexi-glass sheet, I put a paper on top of it, and send it through the press. Note, these pictures make my bro seem way cooler than he actually is ;)